Visual Repellents

Looking to scare birds away for good? Decoy owls and other predators, reflective and holographic devices, optical gel, bird scare balloons, fly away lasers, and other visual deterrents keep pest birds away. Visual bird deterrents work by using bright colors, motion, flashing lights, and other signs of danger to frighten birds away from a home, garden, business, or other type of property. When used correctly, bird scaring devices make pest birds such as pigeons, crows, and starlings so uncomfortable that they will fly off and not return.



How to Scare Birds Away For Good

Bird scaring devices can be ineffective if used incorrectly (have you seen a picture of a plastic owl decoy covered in bird feces with a pigeon on its head?). Visual bird deterrents are only successful when they create so much fear that pest birds are willing to leave behind any food, water, or protection found on the site. Scaring birds off can range from easy (a flock of starlings) to difficult (a woodpecker in established territory). Established birds will fight much harder to stay at a site than newcomers. Scare tactics and visual deterrents should be used as soon as possible after pest birds arrive at a site. Remove all food and water sources in the area to maximize success. Scare devices by themselves are not a substitute for exclusion techniques or products. In high pressure areas that offer attractive habit and abundant food and water, visual deterrents can be used together with exclusion products to scare birds away and keep them off your property for the long term.


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